Care more for the environment
-use less plastic
-recycle, reduce waste, especially at work where somedays all I do is print
-buy local/organic when possible
-use the dryer less (kind of impossible when the house is freezing in winter, but i'll try!)
-cook more vegetarian and vegan meals when possible, that are tasty!
-take my lunch to work at least 4/5 days
-buy a reusable travel coffee mug, and use it
-grow what herbs and lettuce/spinach I can
Be more tidy/organised
I think i'll just start with making my bed, progress is progress people.
Become financially organised.
Kind of goes with two, it's more about organising automatic payments etc. I just normally pay everything manually. It would save time, if I just set up the payments to go out already sheesh! Plus i'm in charge of the flat account, so being more organised would save me trawling the account history to see if I did actually pay the electric bill etc which 10/10 times I have done.
Getting my learners permit
Yeah, I don't drive. I should really get started on at least getting the permit.
Ride around the bays
I desperately need to become more bike confident, I don't think hearing/reading cycle horror stories has helped. Plus I used to manage riding to uni without getting hit by a tram, just need to get some self confidence!
Go regularly to swim squad
I really want to get back into swimming, but at the moment i've got running training, strength training, interval work, and boot camp part THREE coming up in february, so for now at least once a week.
Keep a health diary
I've started tracking my exercise here which is brilliant, free, quick and easy. I'm also going to be more diligent with my food diary, tracking! I have a notebook, but I did see an amazing wellbeing diary the other day which if its still left I might get in the new year.
Use my juicer at least once a week
I bought a second hand juicer two weeks ago, it has seen NO use by me. I keep saying its because of the weather, but yeah, the thing kind of scares me, in that it may take my hand along with the apple. There is nothing wrong with it by the way.
Make new friends
I'd like to meet and get to know some new people, most people I have met here have moved back overseas.
Reach my healthy weight range
My healthy weight range is between 61-76kg, I think I would prefer to be closer to the 76 than the 61, but i'll really have little idea until I get there. If the past twelve months has taught me one thing, it more about the food you eat than the exercise. If I had taken more care with what I had eaten, whilst getting fitter, I would be much closer, if not at goal. I really enjoyed my massive increase in fitness this year, I just need to eat less, period. Make better choices, period. No crap in the house, period.
I'll also be very very happy along the way to get my BMI under 30 which would be about 92kgs and remove me from the obese category, whoot!
And it is possible, its only a little over 500g per week to get there.
Ten things does seem a lot, and they do have mini goals within, but they all tie in with wanting and needing to be more organised.
LOL okay # 5 is so me. Except I'm totally probably going to chicken out.
Thanks for visiting my blog. This is a great list. Happy New Year!
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