Saturday, December 26, 2009


I was very restless most of the morning, I made one pancake with blueberries and yoghurt to have for breakfast, watched a movie and then wondered what on earth I was going to do with the next 10 or so days off. It was silly really, I've so looked forward to having a break and not doing anything besides a few odds and ends, and the first full day off, yeah wasn't going that well.

Then I remembered

My local pool, most likely abandoned by locals during the next week or so, as most of Wellington have left to go on holiday. I grabbed my stuff, and wandered down...I've been once since I moved here, and it's a two minute walk from my apartment!

Oh yeah, had the whole pool to myself for 30 minutes and then a few people arrived. It was bliss. It wasn't too sunny, but I did get some sport sunscreen later on at the supermarket! I'm so going to go back.

The rest of the day has been better, I just think I needed to get outdoors for a bit, I find these days I get a bit rah if I don't do some form of exercise everyday, even if it's just a stroll or a swim for fun like to today.

I meant to go to the sales today but didn't get there, tomorrow. I really do need some things!

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