

I've also made a 101 things in 1001 days, in no order, at all!
1 Get to goal
2 Run a half marathon
3 Run a marathon
4 Grow my own herbs
5 Learn to bake bread
6 Go to Mexico
7 Go to Canada
8 Dabble in different types of yoga
9 Finish my thesis
10 Get an article published in a history journal
11 Join a bookclub done march 2010
12 Make my bedroom (and apartment) a haven
13 Have a facial every three months
14 Go to Capri
15 Organise all my paperwork
16 Save some of the money I earn
17 Fit into those black jeans in my wardrobe
18 Go to Poland
19 Do a beginners German course
20 Qualify for the Boston Marathon!
21 Buy a new couch
22 Go to my local market
23 Go on all the lunchtime walks
24 Run up to the top of Tinakori Hill
25 Run up to the Wind Turbine
26 Keep a journal
27 Meet more people in Wellington
28 Get a new camera
29 Go to the Pacific for ten days
30 Do the Tongariro Crossing
31 Take a photography course
32 Go to New York
33 Audition for the home baking show if it is filmed again
34 Write an article for a newspaper/magazine
35 Get an Ipod
36 Go to Paris for my 30th
37 Buy a car
38 Get my drivers licence
39 Get a new job Done Mar 2010
40 See more of the South Island of NZ
41 Buy new crockery
42 Write more to my friends
43 Keep up with my French
44 Go to Africa
45 Take a cupcake decorating class
46 Go to Japan
47 Go to swim squad regularly
48 Buy a dress for Spring/Summer
49 Get some killer boots for winter
50 Try a Thai Boxing class
51 Do a self-defence course
52 Complete a defensive driving course
53 Complete one more bootcamp
54 Subscribe to Women's Health and Runners World
55 Support local theatre
56 Complete a first aid course
57 Make my own muesli
58 Buy new linen and towels
59 Learn to knit and make myself a scarf!
60 Go to Scotland
61 Visit Phil in London
62 Join a running club
63 Have regular massages
64 Buy and wear a bikini
65 Invest in new running and gym gear at least once a year
66 Buy swimming fins
67 Learn to make Sushi
68 Attempt to Ski
69 Ride to Otago Rail Trail
70 Go on a Yoga Retreat
71 Learn to medidate
72 Use my local pool more in Summer, and the other one in Winter
73 If I really like #77 train for and complete an Ironman
74 Make a podcast
75 Buy a pair of Levis, jump up and down when they fit it the change room first.
76 Buy a wetsuit for sea swimming
77 Complete a triathlon
78 Organise my finances
79 Go to Brussels
80 Run the Melbourne marathon
81 Buy some sunglasses
82 Learn to play tennis
83 Have a market stall
84 Cook some Polish food in Winter for friends
85 Go to the Greek Islands
86 Get a rice cooker
87 Get a bread maker
88 Have a pedicure with a friend
89 Read the entire Kay Scarpetta series
90 Buy a wine rack
91 Write a letter to my brother
92 Complete the walk to the lighthouse and back
93 Go camping
94 See if I can still sing, if so, join a choir/vocal ensemble.
95 Go to Ireland
96 Go to Spain
97 Buy the Russian style wedding band I always wanted, but keep putting of buying
98 Wear sunscreen!
99 Take better care of my skin and hair
100 Buy a new clothes more regularly
101 And shoes!
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