I still can't believe I did it - But I did!

I had planning session with my trainer yesterday. We went over how my race went, and if I had any issues, mainly a lack of hydration in the days leading up - but nothing awful.
I am on my second rest day today, and can work out again from tomorrow, but only light cardio...as i'm still in recovery mode - but I can run again on Saturday - for twenty minutes! Next week I'm back to 3 runs a week at 5-7km with some off road in readiness for an off road race next weekend, and and off road 10km a week after that.
Another half?
Hell yes, I'm doing one in mid September! So training will pick up in the next couple of weeks, I'm aiming to cut my time by ten minutes. I can't wait! I had an awesome time on Sunday, and I really enjoyed it!
After September, who knows? I thought I had come prepared enough to my session, but no my trainer is now hunting down events for me to do post September, it could be anything, and it won't be easy!
If anyone knows of any events/races post September, let me know :-)
I had my post race massage today in addition to my ten minute post race one on Sunday - an hour of leg and lower back massage, painful, but well worth it! Who needs to stretch more, and learn how to use a foam roller? ME!
Auckland Half is in October, but will be full. In January, you've got the City of Wgtn Half and in Feb there's Round the Bays (now includes a Half). Then there's Round the Vines and Waitarere Forest...
...and a whole heap of fantastic offroad races too!
Did you ever think, when you got off that plane in Wellington a few years ago, that you would become a running girl?
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